Blog It's not just your face that makes people guess how young you are! 28/02/2022 kesaetotalbalance Kesae Total Balance | Japanese Cranial Beauty Massage
Blog Yes I can move a lot faster. 27/02/2022 kesaetotalbalance Kesae Total Balance | Japanese Cranial Beauty Massage
Blog Our goal is BETTER SLEEPING. 26/02/2022 kesaetotalbalance Kesae Total Balance | Japanese Cranial Beauty Massage
Blog Lesley comes to my salon once a month. 25/02/2022 kesaetotalbalance Kesae Total Balance | Japanese Cranial Beauty Massage
Blog Today she came to me for a body balancing session again. 23/02/2022 kesaetotalbalance Kesae Total Balance | Japanese Cranial Beauty Massage
Blog More than a few women struggle with back pain after childbirth. 22/02/2022 kesaetotalbalance Kesae Total Balance | Japanese Cranial Beauty Massage
Blog Leaning forward without realising it 20/02/2022 kesaetotalbalance Kesae Total Balance | Japanese Cranial Beauty Massage
Blog How I’m feeling is more important than the look 19/02/2022 kesaetotalbalance Kesae Total Balance | Japanese Cranial Beauty Massage
Blog the first thing many people say is, "I feel lighter." 15/02/2022 kesaetotalbalance Kesae Total Balance | Japanese Cranial Beauty Massage
Blog The key to beautiful posture is where the center of gravity of the body rests on the soles of the feet. 14/02/2022 kesaetotalbalance Kesae Total Balance | Japanese Cranial Beauty Massage